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Behind the Bookstagram: @CapturedByStories13

Welcome! I’ve been a follower of your account for a while now, but for those unfamiliar, tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been reviewing books on Instagram?

My name is Rebecca (Becca or Bec for short) and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have been on bookstagram for almost a year now and started when I realized there was this whole community where people post pictures and reviews of books! My bookstagram name is capturedbystories13 and I started just posting photos of books and got to meet so many book lovers and found a ton of more books to read. I also have a bookish Etsy shop called Capturedbystories.

What book are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Bonded Fate (second book to Divine Blood) and I picked up this book cause I saw these books all over bookstagram and thought the cover was pretty and the synopsis was really interesting and decided to give it a try and I loved the first one!

What’s your go-to genre?

Definitely fantasy! I just love the world-building and different creatures/people in fantasy books.

Do you have an auto-buy author?

Two auto-buy authors for me are Sarah J Maas and Cassandra Clare. Sarah J Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses got me back into reading while I was in university and I love all her books. And then I’ve always loved the shadowhunter world and love when Cassandra Clare comes out with a new book in this world.

I’ve heard so many great things about both of those authors!

What’s something you wish you’d known before starting your Bookstagram account?

Don’t worry about numbers and just do what you want, it’ll be a lot less stressful and easier if you just do you!

When authors approach you to review their books, what information would you like them to include?

I love when they send a blurb/synopsis of the book, release date, a little about what kind of book it, and if there is a certain date to post the review by.

Can you give us some insight on your life behind the scenes of your book content and how you come up with ideas for your posts?

I usually plan out my photos a month at a time and take them all at once so I don’t have to worry about taking photos every week. I normally take inspiration from other posts or past challenges for ideas. A lot of the time it’s just me randomly placing flowers and hoping for the best!

What type of content can followers expect to find from your account?

Lots of photos of books with flowers, reviews, updates on my Etsy (new products, when I’m doing a release, etc).

Do you have other hobbies outside of Instagram and reading? Or how else do you spend your free time?

If I’m not reading, I’m usually drawing while watching TV, browsing Pinterest to find new crafts to do, or hanging out with my family and friends.

Thank you so much, Becca! Be sure to check out CapturedByStories’s Etsy store here!

About Becca

My name is Rebecca and I live in Ontario, Canada with my three cats, Mavis, Winnie, and Gomez. I am a Scientific Evaluator and do a lot of scientific advice for the government. As well as reading I love drawing, crafting and baking.

You can follow CapturedByStories13 on Instagram here!


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