Welcome! For those unfamiliar, tell us a little about yourself!
I’m just your typical U.S. Combat veteran turned full-time author. Each of my books falls under Historical/Mythology fantasy. My latest novel, publishing on 1 November, is about a Queen and her aide in Egypt. The two lead characters are pushed to their limits, then broken, before book’s end.
What inspired you to write your most recent novel? It is your first or have you written others?
I have written 13 books that take place in a shared universe. I have always been a storyteller, but never wrote a novel until I turned 40. Now with my fourth publishing soon, and the rest going through editors, I hope to grow a library for readers within the net few years.
What is your writing routine?
Oh my, this may be embarassing! I wake up, send my teenagers off to school, grab my coffee, plant myself in front of my computer, then write until my eyes cross and I go a tad crazy. I then go become a normal person; cook, clean, socialize until my urge wins out and I jump back into writing later that evening. This has been my cycle for nearly 600 straight days.
What are your top 3 favorite books?
Lord of the Flies, hands down.
A philosophy book called The Guide to the Perplexed.
Any Calvin and Hobbes book
What writers inspire you?
Stephen King. In truth, I don’t read horror, but he’s amazing. He puts out books so fast, and has such great discipline, I’m amazed. He’s aspiring.
What are you currently reading?
A great Indie Author named Bekah Berge and her book Sedendum. It’s a fun book with multiple perspectives in a game of death.
Do you use any life experiences to inspire your writing?
Very much so. I’ve put a couple of “close calls” I had in the Army hidden in the story. War is a powerful experience and writing it out has helped share those moments in a fun, but important way.
How did you get into writing?
I literally never thought about writing until I was struck with an idea for a novel at the end of April 2020. Since then, I’ve written every single day.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Writing is 10% creative juice and 90% discipline. Find that inner strength and your book will get done!
What’s your experience marketing your book? What did you like about it?
I enjoy speaking to readers. They are some of the most empathetic and kind people. I’ve met some incredibly smart and insightful folks. I’ve loved the experience.
What’s next for you? Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Im currently writing a book that will be most most fantasy driven yet. It takes place in Ancient China and will include talking dragons and other mystical creatures.
What’s a fact about you that might surprise your readers?
I tend not to read much fantasy. I prefer reading philosophy.
Thank you, Caleb! Be sure to check out more info below on how to follow his writing journey!
Caleb Ortega is an Army combat veteran and avid world traveler, including Europe and the Middle East. He is a devoted student of historical ethics and morals. He enjoys painting, mindless action movies, and losing fairly consistently in chess. Caleb lives in the Pacific Northwest near his three children. He had drafted numerous books over the last year and will be publishing each as he continues to pen even more.
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